Monday, August 3, 2020

The Inquisitional Conclave (2020) begins!

Short entry for today (but I guess anything is better than my typical nothing...) just showcasing my entry into Neverness's new annual August challenge:

So, yeah, that's the first post for it. And this isn't included there because I'm late, for multiple reasons, but really because I had to go buy an Inquisitor (somehow I didn't have one and I didn't have a great idea for any inventive conversions). 

Unless this post IS in there? Did he edit it and now this is included? Are we stuck in a time loop? Damn the warp!

Anyway, the Inquisitor I'm choosing to use for this is actually GW's newest Inquisitor model, "Ordo Xenos Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus" or, as her friends call her... well with a title like that, she probably doesn't have friends. I actually don't know! I think this character is new and is in the recent campaign books for the Necron reawakening stuff, but I've read none of it. I just really like this model's armor and the lil' baby dragon that she's using like a falconer. And while I appreciate her shiny bald head, I actually plan on switching it out with one of my extra Sisters of Battle heads because she's going to be used with that army anyway. I hope. I mean, it's my current project, and my track record does kinda suck on completing projects and ever using the minis to play games, but I'm trying dammit.

Action shots! Look at that shiny box! Look at that sprue!

That's it for this week, but I've actually already assembled the body sans head, so I should have a better update next week!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, because (Chris aside) we're all so good at completing projects, lol.

    Oh, and I thought (as the saying goes) 'Bald is beautiful!' We all know you are so why not add your inquisitor to that club?
